Ember Connecting with Parse

Here are some notes on how to get the ember-cli to connect with Parse (www.parse.com)

** You have to have an account with Parse to do this.

The Problem: How to enable an app in ember-cli to connect with Parse which is an outside server considering the default mode of ember-cli is to prevent connection with servers other than the local server.

The Solution: Change the ember-cli default content security policy to include Parse and add a parse initializer, then use an ember-cli ajax call where you need it.

Solution Steps:

  1. Change the control security policy to include Parse
    In config/environment.js look for or add something like the following:
    contentSecurityPolicy: {
    ‘default-src’: “‘none'”,
    ‘script-src’: “‘self'”,
    ‘font-src’: “‘self'”,
    ‘connect-src’: “‘self’ https://api.parse.com”, //this is the line that includes Parse
    ‘img-src’: “‘self'”,
    ‘style-src’: “‘self'”,
    ‘media-src’: “‘self'”
  2. Create an initializer for Parse
    ember g initializer parse
  3. Add Parse Headers in initializers/parse
    ** Remember that your header info will come from your account not mine!
    I put dashes in the middle so you aren’t tempted to use mine.
    Code in initializers/parse.js looks like:
    headers: {
    “X-Parse-Application-Id”: “ZYQHOvrj5oPV———-m00ZNLtr5tpd3gzkFi”,
    “X-Parse-REST-API-Key”: “0BRysAUoHF2WsbkYZ———-i1uS31KozIKUz”
  4. Use ajax request where you need it(In controller, model or route)
    Code looks like:
    Ember.$.ajax(“https://api.parse.com/1/classes/Post/” + id, {
    type: ‘DELETE’
    ** Instead of DELETE could be CREATE, READ, UPDATE or DELETE (CRUD)

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Pastor Beth

Rev. Beth Hoskins, aka Pastor Beth is the owner of JuJi Web and an ordained Presbyterian minister in the PC(USA). She is the Stated Supply Minister at Landrum & Inman Presbyterian Churches in the upstate of South Carolina (north of Spartanburg). She has degrees from Clemson University (Chemical Engineering), Columbia Theological Seminary (Masters of Divinity) and The Iron Yard school of computer coding (Front End Development). Currently she resides in Woodruff, SC with her two cat rescues; Joanie Batgirl and Tude the Dude.

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